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How Can We Help You?

Bizzporto.com is a rapidly growing Global trade portal to bridge all continents businesses. We're always looking for talented, technically proficient, knowledgeable team players and we invite you to grow with us. We are accepting resumes from qualified candidates interested in joining our team.

Join Our Team that will engage your mind, inspire your creativity and develop your career.

Help Desk

Becoming a Bizzporto member
1. How can I become a free member?
Ans: You can become a free member in 3 easy steps:
  • Click on Join Free button or link on www.bizzporto.com
  • Fill out the essential details such as your name, email, company profile, product details, etc
  • Activate your FREE membership by clicking on the link in confirmation email. Your company and products are instantly listed on Bizzporto.com
2. What are the benefits for free members who have registered as seller?
Ans: Bizzporto.com offers fully functional experience to the free members. As a seller, a free member can:
  • Get a company website for free
  • Create a complete company profile
  • Add up to 10 products
  • Add promotional offers
  • Send and receive emails to and from buyers
3. Why should I upgrade to Premium Membership?
Ans: Bizzporto.com offers unique benefits to premium members. The benefits include:
  • Get a professionally designed website with a choice of templates and color themes so that your website matches your branding
  • Add unlimited products with their images and detailed descriptions
  • Add unlimited discount offers to attract more buyers
  • Get 'Verified Member Profile' to attract genuine buyers
  • Send and receive direct e-mails from buyers 3 days before any free member
  • Get a robust backend software (Bizzkontrol) to add, modify and maintain your products inventory and daily stock.
  • Be the first on Google search page and receive more enquiries than a free member
  • Analyze your online performance to stay ahead.
4. What are the payment methods for Premium Membership?
Ans: Just call us at +91-20-46906969 between 9 am to 7 pm or email us at support@bizzporto.com and we will contact you with payment options which are more convenient for you.
BizzTrader FAQ’s
1. What is BizzTrader?
Ans: biztrader is a package especially designed for company type Trader/Dealer/Reseller. Objective of this package is to cater to all the requirements of trader in terms of e-business. This package allows user to create account with Bizzporto.com and explore many features. With biztrader you can.
  • Get your own online e-commerce store to sell 10,000 products
  • Download Inventory Management Software (Bizzkontrol) to manage your offline Store
  • Connect your offline and online store seamlessly.
  • Get buyers from your own city
  • Have business lead alerts on your mobile
2. How to Add Products?
Ans: To add product you need to be login to Bizzporto.com. You can Add Product by following below steps:
  • Click on MyBizzporto link on Bizzporto.com Home page after login.
  • Go to Myproducts in Myzone section and click on Add New Product Button
  • Provide all details in Product Details, Pricing Details, Packaging and Other Details Section (All * marked fields are mandatory fields) You will have three options after filling all the details which are as follows:
    • You can Add similar product by clicking Add Similar Products that will keep all the data you previously filled, you can edit it and add the product. (You need to have unique SKU code for each products)
    • You can add new product by clicking on Add New Products. It will open Add product window again.
    • If you don’t want to add another product then you can click Save and Exit button.
  • When you add any product on Bizzporto.com, it will take at least 24 hours to approve that product from Bizzporto support team.
3. What is meant by Active/ In-Active Products?
Ans: Active products are the products which user wants to sell and wants to show on his company website. These products will also be seen on search result.
In-Active products are those products which you have added on Bizzporto but you don’t want to use them for time being. You can make any Active Product to In-Active product and In-Active Product whenever you want. There are separate sections for Active and In-Active products in Myproducts section.
4. How to Add Similar Product?
Ans: Add Similar Product is a function that allows you to add new product that is similar to any previously added product by you. With this function you can edit some information of existing product to create new product, this saves a lot of time for adding products in your account. There are two ways for using this functionality:
  • You can add similar product by clicking Add Similar Product in from of every product in Active Products section.
  • Another way is when you add similar product immediately after you add any new product.
5. What is bizkontrol?
Ans: Bizkontrol is an Inventory Management Software which allows user to manage their inventory, sales and purchases. Bizkontrol also helps user to sync product inventory with their online Bizzporto.com account. To download bizkontrol you will have to:-
  • Login to Bizzporto.com account.
  • Click on “Download bizkontrol” button in Myzone.
  • Save file in your desired location on your computer

You can do following by downloading bizkontrol:-

  • Manage Purchase, sales, accounts and product inventory
  • Control your business with the help of value added reports
  • Connect bizkontrol with Bizzporto.com and sync all your product data.
6. How to add products from bizkontrol?
Ans: You can add product to from bizkontrol by following below steps:
  • Add all product details in bizkontrol
  • Click on bizkonnector button in bizkontrol
  • Select Product and click Sync all Store in opened dialog box in bizkontrol.
  • Provide your Bizzporto login id (email id) and password in opened dialog box
  • Select bizkontrol (offline) option in opened dialog box and click Sync button.
This will upload all the products from bizkontrol to Bizzporto. When products added from bizkontrol then they will go in Editing Require section in Myproducts. You need to open that product and click on Submit button.
7. What is Sync?
Ans: Sync is a process which allow user to transfer product information from bizkontrol to Bizzporto or Bizzporto to bizkontrol. User can also transfer messages, enquiries and quotations from Bizzporto to bizkontrol.
8. How to become Premium Member?
Ans: To become premium member of Bizzporto.com
  • You will have to register at Bizzporto.com
  • Request for paid membership to Bizzporto support team at support@bizzporto.com or contact at +91-20-46906969.
9. What is meant by Key Products?
Ans: Key products are the products which are visible on your Website Home Page. You can select maximum 10 products to show as key products. You can select Key Products by selecting 1 or more product and clicking Make Key Products button in Active Products section. If you don’t select any Key product then by default your first 10 products will be shown as key products.
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Seller's Section
1. Bizzporto.com Seller – Overview
Ans: Bizzporto.com offers suppliers the option to register for free on Bizzporto.com. As a supplier, you can create a free account and start selling your products. However, the premium members gets special privileges such as more customized website with company branding, unlimited product addition, unlimited offer announcements, promotion on the home page, etc Click here for details on premium membership benefits.
  • Step 1: Register for FREEon Bizzporto.com
    To start selling your products on Bizzporto.com, you need to first become a member. Become a free member now!
  • Step 2: Your FREE website
    Based on the information you provide to create your account, Bizzporto.com makes a FREE website for you. Your buyers can get the complete information about your company and offerings through this website. They can also send you enquiries based on the products which you have listed in your profile.
  • Step 3: Add Products
    Add as many products as you wish along with detailed description and specification (As a Free Member you can add 10 products)
  • Step 4: Discount offers
    Create discount offers and alert your potential buyers about them. These offers could drive more buyers to your business. To add offer go to MyZone in "Offers" section.
2. Building your company website
Ans: When you create an account on Bizzporto.com, we make a complete website for you. Website templates on Bizzporto.com are created by our experienced design teams to give your site a professional look. Premium members get options to choose customized colors, themes and branding to suit their company profiles.
3. Updating your company profile
Ans: You can update or modify your company profile very easily and at any time. To do so, simply login to Bizzporto.com by clicking on My Bizzporto . Click on the Company Profile tab and update your company profile. Once done, click Save to submit your updates. Your changes are instantly reflected on your account.
4. Listing and managing your products
Ans: Free members can add only 10 products whereas; the premium members can add unlimited number of products.
To add a new product:
  • Login to Bizzporto.com and go to MyBizzporto
  • Click on the My Products tab at the top. The screen shows Active Products and Inactive Products.
  • Click on Add Product button. Provide details about the product such as name, description, keywords, specification etc. You can also upload the image of the product.
To modify or update information about a product, select the product and change the information.
To delete a product:
  • Login to Bizzporto.com and go to MyProducts page
  • Select the product which you wish to delete by selecting the check box next to it
  • Click on Delete option on the top.
You can also make the product inactive by clicking on the inactive button on the top.
5. Adding pictures of your products
Ans: To make a better impact on the buyers, we recommend you add pictures for your products. This helps the buyers in visualizing the product very easily.
You can provide the pictures in JPG or PNG formats. These are widely used picture formats.
To show the pictures in the desired area, we automatically resize the pictures to certain dimensions as per the requirement.
6. Posting Discount Offers
Ans: Posting discount offers is a great way to promote your business and products and it attracts more buyers. You can very easily add discount offers for your products. Free members can add only a limited number of offers whereas the premium members can add unlimited number of offers.
To add an offer for a product:
  • Click on 'Add an Offer' button in front of the product.
  • Provide offer title, description and keywords
  • Specify the time period for which you want to run the offer
The offer will be listed alongside the product listing.
7. Searching for Buyers
Ans: Many buyers post their requirements on the portal for the products they are actively looking for. As a seller, you can look out for such buyers using the "Buyers" tab at the top of the page. If you have products satisfying the buyers' needs, you can directly contact those buyers with your quotations. This is an effective way of reaching out to the prospective buyers.
8. Contacting Buyers
Ans: You need to log in to be able to contact the buyers. Some buyers do prefer to be contacted only through premium members and in that case, the free members cannot contact that particular buyer.
9. Finding Sellers
Ans: There are following ways in which buyers can search for sellers:
  • A buyer can search through various categories available on the left hand side of the Bizzporto.com home page.
  • Alternatively, you can either search for a product or a company by directly typing the keyword in the search box at the top. To search by product/ service
    • Select the Product/ Service tab at the top and type in the search term in the search box
    • Select the city in which you are searching for the supplier
    • Select the company type from the options such as Trader, Manufacturer, Reseller or Service Provider
    • Enter the area if you are looking for suppliers only from a specific area
  • You can also search the suppliers through offers page. Click on the Offers tab on the top and check out the latest offers run by various sellers. You can then choose the seller who is offering the most suitable offer for your requirements and ask for quotation from that seller.
10. Tips on providing right keywords for products
Ans: Keyword is a word or a phrase which the user (potential buyer) uses to find relevant results. Providing right keywords for your products and services is of extreme importance. Most of the times, it is seen that the buyers prefer to search for the products using keywords. So the more appropriate and matching keywords you have, more the chances for a buyer to find your product and services. Providing incorrect or insufficient keywords will mean driving inappropriate traffic to your business and in turn it means less inquiries and business for you. We recommend you spend quality time in providing right keywords for your products and services. Remember that you are providing the keywords for your buyers so it is very important to know your target audience while choosing the right set of keywords.
Here are some tips for choosing the right keywords:
  • Understand and analyze your potential buyer. Think of the keywords which the buyer might enter while looking for the products and services which you are providing. Provide such relevant keywords
  • We recommend that you provide specific keywords rather than generic keywords. For example: if you are selling party dresses, choose the keyword as "Party Dresses" instead of "Dresses". Generic keywords have more competition and your listing may get hidden in that. While generic keywords can give you more traffic, but it may not give you quality leads and inquiries. So avoid generic keywords and go for specific terms. Provide comprehensive list of keywords while being specific.
  • If you are offering specialized products and services for a particular geography or region, do mention that as a keyword. For example: Indian Handmade Cloths. This will give you more qualified traffic than a generic keyword like Cloths.
  • People use different words for a single product based on which part of the world they are. So try to use different terminologies while describing your keywords.
  • If you are offering products and services for a specific age group, mention that in your keywords. For example: Kids Bedroom Decor
  • Avoid using special keywords, your website URL, domain name and email address in your keywords. Also, do not use the trademarks or brand names of other companies without the permission from those companies.
11. I am not getting enquiries. What could be the reason?
Ans: The reasons for low response to your products and services could be different. Some of the tips to improve the response rate are:
  • Display more accurate and descriptive information about your products. It helps in gaining buyer's confidence in your product.
  • Display images for your product – It helps buyers in understanding the product in a better way
  • Some buyers prefer to get response only from Premium Members – so if you are a free member, you may not be getting requests from those buyers
  • Display discount offers to attract more buyers
12. My quotations are not getting response from buyers. What could be the reason?
Ans: Following could be some of the possible reasons:
  • Some buyers prefer to deal only with premium sellers. Gain the confidence and trust in the minds of the buyer by choosing the Premium Membership
  • You did not send a quotation on time and other seller sent it before you. Give a prompt response to all the quotation requests
  • Your quotation was not detailed and sufficient. It is possible that the buyer did not find all the information in your quotation. Create an elaborated and clear quotation.
13. How does the Messages section work?
Ans: The Messages section under My Zone maintains the record of all the messages which you have received and sent using Bizzporto.com. To access these messages:
  • Login to Bizzporto.com, click on MyBizzporto.
  • In My Zone, you will see the Messages tab which will have the list of messages you have received from buyers or other suppliers
  • On the left hand side, you will see Sent Messages option. This section will have messages you have sent using Bizzporto.com. You can see this section to make sure that your message was sent successfully.
14. I see this message "Free Members can only contact this buyer after some days" What does this mean?
Ans: This means that only Premium Members can immediately contact the buyers after a buyer posts a requirement. Become a Premium Member now!
15. What is BizzAlert?
Ans: With bizAlert service, a seller receives SMS as well as an email alert as soon as some buyer requests for the product/ service which the seller is selling. bizAlert service is available for both free as well as Premium Members.
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1. I forgot my password. How can I retrieve it?
Ans: Visit the page http://www.bizzporto.com/PasswordRecovery.aspx and enter your email address. We will immediately send you the forgotten password to retrieve your account.
2. Can I have multiple accounts for one company?
Ans: No, you cannot have multiple accounts for one company. In case of any specialized need, please contact us at support@bizzporto.com
3. How can I change my account password?
Ans: To change your password:
  • Login to Bizzporto.com and go to My Bizzporto
  • Click on Change Password
4. Can your sales representative visit my office?
Ans: Yes. If you are based in India, our sales representative will be happy to visit your office. Write to us at support@bizzporto.com if you want to schedule a demo at your office for you and your team.
Premium Membership Guide
1. Step by step guide to add products
Ans: To add products to your profile:
  • Login to Bizzporto.com
  • Go to MyBizzporto
  • Go to the Products/ Services tab on the top
  • Click on 'Add Product' button. You will be asked to add product name, description, keywords and other details for the product/ service.
  • Provide detailed information about the products with images etc to ensure that the buyers find your products easily
Follow this procedure to add all products. We recommend you add all your products to ensure that you don't miss on the potential buyer. As premium member, you can add unlimited number of products.
2. Any tips about entering products?
Ans: By becoming a premium member, you have taken first towards improvising your business. To ensure that you get most from your premium membership, here are some tips:
  • Enter as many products as you can to ensure that the potential buyers find you easily
  • Provide images for the products wherever possible – it helps the buyers in forming a connection with your product
  • Provide relevant keywords for your products so that these are easily searched during product search
  • Be specific while naming the products. You improve the possibility of your product getting listed
  • Do not add words like "Buy" or "Sell" in your product name or description
3. How to setup discount offers?
Ans: Posting discount offers is a great way to promote your business and products and attract more buyers. You can very easily add discount offers for your products. Free members can add only a limited number of offers whereas; the premium members can add unlimited number of offers.
To add an offer for a product:
  • Click on 'Add an Offer' button in front of the product.
  • Provide offer title, description and keywords
  • Specify the time period for which you want to run the offer
The offer will be listed alongside the product listing.
4. Completion of Company Profile
Ans: Provide as much information as you can about your company. This will help in establishing trust among the buyers about you and your company. This also helps in creating a good image about your company.
Here are some tips to enhance your company profile:
  • Provide your photo – this helps in building a connection with the prospect
  • Provide accurate information
  • Provide accurate address along with Zip Code.
  • Boast about your company's certifications and awards
  • Provide your website URL
  • Verify the mobile number
5. How to increase inquiries
Ans: The best way to increase number of inquires is to attract more number of buyers:
  • Add all the products which you have to offer
  • Provide detailed and clear specification, description about your products and services
  • Provide clear pictures and images about your products to provide good exposure to your products
  • Provide accurate and appropriate keywords for your products and services. Here are tips for including right keywords.
  • Post discount offers to attract more buyers
  • Update your discount offers frequently to ensure that the buyers find latest offers regularly
  • Advertise more and more products to show the strength of your business
  • Customise the content of your email based on the questions asked by the buyer (about price, models, payment methods etc). It is not a good practice to use the same canned message for all quotation requests.
  • Maintain the price of your products based on industry standards and trends.
  • Provide a complete and detailed company profile since that acts as a mirror of your company. Provide as much details as possible. Brag about your awards and testimonials. Provide images and pictures to corroborate the description of the products and services.
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Buyer Section
1. Searching for Sellers
Ans: There are following ways in which buyers can search for suppliers:
  • A buyer can search through various categories available on the left hand side of the Bizzporto.com home page.
  • Alternatively, you can either search for a product or a company by directly typing the keyword in the search box at the top. To search by product/ service
    • Select the Product/ Service tab at the top and type in the search term in the search box
    • Select the city in which you are searching for the supplier
    • Select the company type from the options such as Trader, Manufacturer, Reseller or Service Provider
    • Enter the area if you are looking for suppliers only from a specific area
  • You can also search the suppliers through offers page. Click on the Offers tab on the top and check out the latest offers run by various sellers. You can then choose the seller who is offering the most suitable offer for your requirements and ask for quotation from that seller.
2. How can I remove a lead?
Ans: When you add a new lead, you specify the expiry date for the lead. At the expiry of the period, the lead is removed from search and it will not be shown to the sellers.
Alternatively, you can also delete the lead. To do so, select the lead by selecting the option button on left and click on Delete button at the top.
3. Are all the products on Bizzporto authentic?
Ans: We strongly discourage and stand against the products which are not authentic or fake. If we receive any confirmation that any of the products is unauthentic, we take necessary measures to eradicate such presence. However, since Bizzporto.com is just a platform for sellers and buyers, 100% surety on the authenticity of items available on website is not promised. Thus, we recommend you to contact the seller and seek necessary details to have complete confidence before you make your purchase.
4. Will Bizzporto keep all my information confidential?
Ans: We understand and respect your privacy. We take this aspect very seriously and have applied all the practices to keep the account information confidential as mentioned in Bizzporto’s privacy policy.
Some best practices which we recommend you to follow:
  • Keep your password with yourself and don't reveal it to anyone.
  • Never share your password over email or phone - we never ask our members for password
  • Once you finish your session, make sure you log out properly.
Having said this, you must be aware of the fact that 100% information security over the internet is never guaranteed. We certainly take the best measures to maximize your information protection but we do not guarantee the security of any information transmits from your end as it is at your own risk.
5. Does Bizzporto offer free account?
Ans: Yes, the accounts are free for all the buyers.
6. Where can I find seller's information?
Ans: Once you search for sellers under "Categories", "Products/ Services", "Companies" or "Discount Offers" section, the list of various sellers is listed on the right hand side. There, you will find a button 'Seller Info'. Click on that button to find detailed information about the seller.
7. How many buying leads can I post?
Ans: You can post unlimited number of buying leads without having to buy any kind of premium membership.
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Premium Membership
1. How can I upgrade to Premium membership?
Ans: Once you are convinced about the benefits of Premium Membership and want to go ahead with it, simply write to us at support@bizzporto.com and we will contact you with various payment options.
2. When will my account be upgraded?
Ans: As soon as we receive your payment, we activate your account within 2 business days.


Free Member

Premium member

Number of products allowed for sellers



Discount Offers Announcement



Contact buyers

Not allowed


Premium membership logo for confidence gaining 



Prioritized listing



Buying lead access

After 3 days


Customised Website with variety of templates



Content Writing Services

Not available

Available for a nominal fee

Backend software to add, update and maintain products and hereby maintain daily stock.

Lite Version

Full Version

Performance analysis report of the business activity

