Digcom is teh Mobile software and apps devoplomant company.
Portrait software Camera advance and most proactive feature which is portrait mode. Software can use to make more attractive base made picture.
In a 3D touch software is working in parelel manor so screen will get seprate and perform fastly whather person doing multi task.
This is a strong privecy ID to unlock your device and faster as compare to passcode inserting. Even making fingerprint recognition a non-starter once again.
A calling app allows users to receive or place audio or video calls on their device. Calling apps use their own user interface for the calls instead of using the default Phone app interface
The apps that are created for a specific operating system are referred to as native applications. Android and iOS are the two most popular mobile operating systems, while Windows is another widely used one.
Digcom develops its own to run on any devices, including personal computers, touch smartphones and tablets, Smart watch feture and My TV digital media player.
For any system it introduce software titles, including Key note for writing, updated excel book for spreadsheets, and PPT pad for presentations, productivity suite, it also offers Movie and for video editing.
Digcom range of server software includes the operating system on any server a remote systems management application.
Digcom also offers online services with cloud, which provides cloude storage and synchronization for a wide range of user data, including documents, photos, music, device backups, and application data